Title VI Civil Rights Complaint Filed against Amtrak
Read the Title VI complaint: Press Release and Title VI complaint
Read the Title VI complaint: Press Release and Title VI complaint
Residents express concerns to the News Media
News articles:
10/7/2024 STREETSBLOG USA Is Amtrak’s Big Dig Harming West Baltimore’s Black Neighborhoods? 10/2/2024 GazetteExtra Amtrak botched planning on $6 billion tunnel project, watchdog says 10/2/2024 The Baltimore Banner Amtrak watchdog warns of delays, extra costs for Frederick Douglass Tunnel project 10/1/2024 The Baltimore Sun Amtrak’s West Baltimore tunnel project was short-staffed, structure underplanned, audit says 7/25/2024 WJZ/CBS News Frederick Douglass Tunnel plans move forward amid concerns from some Baltimore residents 7/25/2024 KTVZ Channel 21 WJZ/CNN Regional Baltimore residents express concerns over Frederick Douglass Tunnel project in public meeting |
Impacted Neighborhoods
Amtrak's destruction in the Sandtown community:
The Frederick Douglass Tunnel v. Sandtown |
Read about the terrible impacts to the Edmondson Community from Amtrak's B&P Tunnel Replacement Program
Tunnel Boring Machine Dangers
Move the Vent Facility away from Dorothy I. Height Elementary! Sign the Petition
If you were asked, “Should the Federal Government excavate 4 new parallel train tunnels under Baltimore to allow trains carrying passengers in the near term and hazardous chemical tank cars and massive double-stacked freight in the long term?" would you say, “yes?” When fully constructed, up to 388 trains per day will continuously thunder beneath residential neighborhoods, with freight trains spewing unfiltered diesel pollution near our schools and shaking our foundations. Days and nights will be filled with screeching brakes and train horn blasts.

The B&P Tunnel project (renamed the Frederick Douglass Tunnel) is an enormous, destructive, dangerous use of $6.02 billion (phase 1) of federal tax money for corporate profit. Residents Against The Tunnels (RATT) is a group of Baltimore citizens with a single mission: to say, “No! Find a better way.” We want to raise awareness to block the planned B&P Tunnel project as described in the 2017 Record of Decision, and send the Federal Railroad Administration and AMTRAK back to the drawing board. We demand a solution that places a priority on the safety, health, stability, and future of Baltimore citizens.

RATT is very concerned about possible damage to West Baltimore homes and businesses during construction of the tunnels. Huge Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) will drill the parallel bores, moving at a rate of about 30 feet per day. We have been informed that we will not want to be in our homes during the drilling due to the terrifying noise and vibration. There have been many incidents worldwide of building and street collapse and cracking, and even deaths, due to use of TBMs. In addition, controlled explosives will be used under our 19th century brick homes to create escape routes for these new tunnels. No study was conducted regarding specific risks these methods pose to 100+ year old Baltimore rowhouses, many of which are already in fragile condition.

Regarding use of the tunnels, the public is being sold a bill of goods for this project, which focuses attention on passenger trains while trivializing the secondary freight objective. According to the B&P Tunnel Record of Decision, 2 additional tunnels will be constructed during Phase 2 to accommodate double-stacked freight trains. Over time, this will likely result in significantly increased freight transport through Baltimore. Make no mistake. This is also about freight.
![]() The B&P Tunnel team has all but silenced the word freight - right up to the brink of denial. The railroads have a dismal safety record, so a “worst case scenario” is not far-fetched, with plenty of disastrous
examples. Baltimore experienced the Howard Street Tunnel disaster in 2001. It has more recently been very lucky with near-misses and ‘good thing the derailed cars were empty’ episodes. |
![]() KABOOM! There’s a reason they’re called bomb trains. An explosion could wipe out many city blocks and a compromised tank car of toxic chemicals could kill hundreds. Increased diesel fumes will contribute to Baltimore’s already substandard air quality. Years of construction will involve demolition of homes and businesses, extensive boring, explosions, and massive hauling of debris. Train tunnels, 40 feet under some basements, will undermine brick & mortar row houses.

We understand the need to improve passenger travel and deliver crucial freight to the port of Baltimore, but we object to the current plan, which ‘railroads’ over concerns for Human Safety, Air Quality, Environmental Justice, Structural Stability, Future Development, City Livability, and Residential Rights. This affects ALL of Baltimore while being inequitably detrimental to low-income minority West Baltimore Neighborhoods.
This is a complex story that impacts Baltimore’s entire future. There are alternatives that were not considered. Please join us to insist that these be explored. A modern and comprehensive rail plan for Baltimore is needed.
This is a complex story that impacts Baltimore’s entire future. There are alternatives that were not considered. Please join us to insist that these be explored. A modern and comprehensive rail plan for Baltimore is needed.
B&P Tunnel construction begins in 2024
Amtrak Awards Contract to Build New Frederick Douglass Tunnel in Baltimore TIMELINE
2 Phases Amtrak will build 2 tunnels for electric passenger trains in Phase 1; Amtrak "reserves the right" to build 2 additional tunnels for double stack freight in Phase 2. In Phase 1, freight trains will use the existing B&P Tunnel. See Press Release.
Don't believe freight is coming? According to the B&P Tunnel Record of Decision, "The Project has been designed not to preclude freight traffic through the tunnels, including double stack freight."
Amtrak Awards Contract to Build New Frederick Douglass Tunnel in Baltimore TIMELINE
2 Phases Amtrak will build 2 tunnels for electric passenger trains in Phase 1; Amtrak "reserves the right" to build 2 additional tunnels for double stack freight in Phase 2. In Phase 1, freight trains will use the existing B&P Tunnel. See Press Release.
Don't believe freight is coming? According to the B&P Tunnel Record of Decision, "The Project has been designed not to preclude freight traffic through the tunnels, including double stack freight."